The release of DriveClub Bikes is hugely significant in the realm of racing games: not since the days of Project Gotham Racing, Test Drive Unlimited and Burnout Paradise have bikes converged with cars in a racing game. True to form, no-one could have predicted the surprise announcement and simultaneous release of DriveClub Bikes at Sony’s Paris Game Show, wheelieing onto the PSN store as either a downloadable expansion for existing players or a standalone game to entice newcomers – all for the very reasonable sum of £11.99 and £15.99 respectively.
Since launching in 2014 the car count has more than doubled with monthly packs adding vehicles you seldom see in racing games, from obscure concept cars and thoroughbred track cars, to a novelty buggy lifted from Evolution’s MotorStorm series. There have been plenty of surprises during DriveClub’s exemplary post-release support that have kept us hooked on Evolution Studios’ stunning PS4 debut well over a year after release.